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An integrated frame with handles for forklift or integrated handles to lift unit on ropes is used for transport the Cube units.
Please follow below regulations during transport:
Before unloading the transport, complete the handover protocol.
Please check parcel completion and unit state immediately after delivery (duct temperaturę sensor – not applicable
unit with NW supply module, T-box - option, ventilation covers – not applicable Cube 40, room temperature sensor -
option). In case of any irregularities a damage protocol should be written down. This can help claiming indemnities
from shipping company later.
Unloading should be done with forklift (using frame handles or palette where unit is mounted) or a lift (using handles
on unit’s casing).
During transport or storage, the unit must stand on integrated frame. Leaving unit in different way may lead to its
After unloading, during waiting for installation, a cover protecting from external factors must be used.
The manufacturer is not responsible for damages caused by not following the guidelines written in the manual or for
transport irregularities.
Horizontal transport
Cube units are prepared for transport using forklift; equipped with transport rails gives the opportunity for loading or unloading
without additional support or transport equipment.
Because of unit’s weight and front-end center of gravity, the size of the forklift and length of truck forks must be
adapted to unit’s dimension. Pay special attention to the length of truck forks, which should have at least ¾ depth of
transport rail. Shorter truck forks application may result in damage to the unit or accident what the manufacturer is not
responsible for.
Before installing the device, remove the transport rails by unscrewing the screws.
Transport dimensions Cube 20
W (Cube / + blocks / + space) - 1492 / 1592 / 1692 mm
(Cube / + styro / + space) - 1380 / 1480 / 1580 mm
D (Cube / + styro / + space) - 2300 / 2400/ 2500 mm
Ventilation duct covers – 473 mm (transport inside)
Length of the forks – min. 1500 mm
Fork spacing – min. 350 mm
Weight – up to 850 kg