Operator's Manual
Battery Low Alarm alerts the user when a minimum of 30 minutes operating
time remains.
The FLIGHT 50 Ventilator is available with a built-in humidifier or without.
The FLIGHT 50 Ventilator is very easy to set up and use with clear
indications of all ventilation and alarm settings and alarm violations.
When the FLIGHT 50 Ventilator is used in a home care
environment it is important that the primary caregiver has
received training and has demonstrated competency in all
equipment functions. A specific written care plan must be
established by the attending physician.
Transport of patients with the FLIGHT 50 Ventilator requires
that medical staff have a good working knowledge of the
ventilator’s use and problem resolution. Proper emergency
back-up equipment must be immediately available during
Setting the Main Parameters
The ventilator can be switched between the following operational modes:
(Assist/Control Mandatory Ventilation)
(Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
(Spontaneous Ventilation)
A/CMV Mode
In A/CMV mode, time activated (mandatory) breaths are delivered in
accordance with the
setting. Patients can trigger mandatory breaths in
addition to, or in place of, time activated (mandatory) breaths, if the effort
that they generate causes airway pressure to meet the Ptrig setting. Each
such patient effort results in a mandatory breath. The breath can be volume
or pressure controlled. PEEP may be added. Tidal volume is determined by
the target pressure, Ti, patient respiratory mechanics in Pressure Control,
and by the tidal volume setting in Volume Control.
As with all FLIGHT 50 Ventilator operating modes, Backup Ventilation is
activated if the Apnea alarm limit is violated.
SIMV MODE (Synchronized Intermittent
Mandatory Ventilation)
In SIMV mode, patients receive a fixed number of volume or pressure
controlled mandatory breaths (time or patient activated) and may breathe
spontaneously between mandatory breaths, with or without pressure support