Operator's Manual
3.2.3 SIMV Mode (Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
Figure 5 – SIMV Mode Button
In SIMV, the user may choose to volume or pressure control mandatory
breaths. In either case, all mandatory breaths delivered to the patient,
whether time (ventilator initiated) or patient-activated, are the same. In
addition, the user may choose to pressure support the spontaneous breaths
in between mandatory breaths.
Unlike A/CMV, the ƒ (frequency) setting in this mode determines the total
rather than the minimum number of time (ventilator) or patient activated
mandatory breaths delivered each minute.
The ƒ (frequency) setting also establishes a timing window which
determines whether a patient activation results in a mandatory breath or a
spontaneous breath.
The Ptrig setting determines the airway pressure threshold that patient
effort must reach to activate mandatory breaths and also to activate
spontaneous breaths in between mandatory breaths.
If patient effort doesn’t cause airway pressure to drop enough to meet the
Ptrig threshold or if the patient doesn’t breathe, the FLIGHT 50 Ventilator
will deliver the set ƒ (frequency) of mandatory breaths each minute.
3.2.4 SPONT Mode (Spontaneous Ventilation)
Figure 6 – SPONT Mode
In this mode, all breaths are patient activated by spontaneous efforts.
Psupport (Pressure Support Ventilation) may be used to support
spontaneous efforts. When PEEP/CPAP is set above 0, the ventilator mode is
CPAP (without Psupport) or Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (with PSV).
▲ Up and ▼ Down Control
control buttons have multiple uses on the FLIGHT 50