Installation Instructions
Panda PMS 8.000 NE - 42 NE Manual.R05 - Kapitel/Chapter 5: Installation Instructions Seite/Page 63
5.4.4 Generator Installation above Waterline
The Panda is equipped with a direct drive water intake pump mounted directly on the motor. Since the intake pump
is an impeller pump there are wearing parts which are likely to require replacement after a period of time. Ensure
that the genset is installed so that the intake pump can be easily accessed. If this is not possible, an external intake
pump could be installed in an easily accessible location.
If the generator is installed above the waterline, it is possible that the impeller will wear out faster, because after star-
ting, the pump runs dry for some seconds.
The raw water hose should form a loop as near as possible to the raw water inlet of the generator (see picture
below). This ensures the pump only sucks in air for a short time. The impeller pump will be lubricated by raw water
and the impeller life span will be increased.
By the installation of a check valve in the raw water inlet line, which is under the waterline, this problem can be
The impeller pump will remain intact longer, if an electrical booster pump is installed, and is strongly recommended
in order to preserve the impeller pump.
Never change the impeller for many years, without exchanging
the old pump. If the sealing ring is defective within the pump,
raw water runs into the sound cover of the genset. A repair is
then very expensive.
Replacement impeller and also a spare pump should always be
on board. The old pump can be sent back to Fischer Panda.
Fig. 5.4.4-1: Installing the generator above the water level
Installation above water level
1. Raw water filter
2. Water cock
3. Thru hull
Make certain that the raw water filter lies above the water
level, otherwise when cleaning, water can penetrate by the
thru hull. An external pre-pump can relieve the impeller.