General References and Regulations
Seite/Page 24 General.R01.1 - Kapitel/Chapter 1: General References and Regulations
Use only cable with self retardant and self extinguishing insulation suitable for high temperatures up to 195°F, 90°C.
Install battery lines in a safe way that the cable insulation will not be shaved or damaged.
Battery poles must be protected against short circuits by error.
Inside the capsule of the Fischer Panda Generator the battery positive line must be protected
against heat and vibration by a suitable conduit or sheath and must be routed that way it is not
touching any area that will get hot under normal operation like entire engine itself, exhaust elbow
and exhaust manifold or exhaust lines or the V-belt and pulleys. The cable shall not be to tight
otherwise damage will happen.
Run the generator carefully after installation and double check, if there is any possibility for
damage of the battery cable. Correct if necessary.
Fig. 1.6-1: Sample scheme for starter battery installation
1.6.4 Safety Instructions for the Handling with Batteries
These instructions must be noticed additionally to the instructions of the battery manufac-
• If the batteries are working, someone should be in your near area to help you in a case of emer-
• Water and soap must be hold ready if battery acid corrode your skin.
• Wear eye protection and protective clothing. During working with the batteries don´t touch the
• If you got a acid splash on your skin or clothing grow it with much water and soap out.
• If you got acid in your eyes rinse them immediately with clear water until no cauterization is no-
ticeable. Visit immediate a doctor.