Maintenance Instructions
Seite/Page 128 Panda PMS 8.000 NE - 42 NE Manual.R05 - Kapitel/Chapter 6: Maintenance Instructions
Fig. 6.11.1-2: Ventilation Screw at the fuel solenoid valve
3. After pressing the failure bypass switch for approx 3 - 4
minutes the ventilation screw located at the fuel solenoid
valve has to be loosened. The button must be kept pres-
sed, whilst opening the screw. A large cloth or Kleenex tis-
sue must be laid beneath the connection to prevent
escaping fuel running into the capsule. If the fuel runs out
without air bubbles, then the ventilation screw can be clo-
sed. Only then may the button be released.
Not installed in all models
Fig. 6.11.1-3: Injection nozzles
4. Pressing the starter button can now start the machine.
The machine should start after a short period.
5. If this does not occur, then a connecting nut fitted to the
injection line must be loosened and starting procedure
repeated. Retighten the washers after successfully star-
ting. The injection line must be raised by several milli-
6. Switch power switch "OFF"
6.11.2 Exchange of the Fuel Filter
Fig. 6.11.2-1: Fuel Filter
Exchanging the filter, depending upon fuel contamination, should take place
after 300 operational hours at the very least. T
he inlet must be clamped, before exchanging the filter.
Remove the hoses from the used filter and fasten them to the
new filter. The arrow on the filter housing indicates the direc-
tion of the fuel flow. A clogged filter causes a decreased power
output of the generator.