Panda_4000s_PMS_SCB_FCB_eng.R04 - Kapitel/Chapter 8: Tables Seite/Page 125
Engine oil
8.3.1 Engine oil classification Operating range:
The operating range of an engine oil is determined by SAE class. "SAE" is for the union of American auto engineers
(Society of Automotives Engineers).
The SAE class of an engine oil only informs over the viscosity of the oil (larger number = more viscous, smaller num-
ber = more highly liquidly) e.g. to 0W, 10W, 15W, 20, 30, 40. The first number shows the liquid of the oil with cold
weather, the second number refers to the fluidity with heat. Complete yearly oils have usually SAE classes of SAE
10W-40, SAE 15W-40 etc.. Quality of oil:
The quality of an engine oil is specified by the API standard ("American Petroleum Institutes").
The API designation is to be found on each engine oil bundle. The first letter is always a C.
API C for diesel engines
The second letter is for the quality of the oil. The more highly the letter in the alphabet, the better the quality.
API C for diesel engine
Examples for diesel engine oil:
API CCEngine oil for small demands
API CDEngine oil for suction- and turbo diesel engine
API CFReplace the specification API CD since 1994
API CGEngine oil for highest demands, turbo-tested
For the Fischer Panda Generator the API CF Oil is needed.
ohmic resistance coil
Exciting wiring = Green-Green Cable 2,3 Ohm
Generator wiring = Red-Red Cable 1,2 Ohm
Generator wiring = Red-Yellow Cable 0,6 Ohm
inductive resistance coil
Exciting wiring = Green-Green Cable 12,2 mH
Generator wiring = Red-Red Cable 5,4 mH
Generator wiring = Red-Yellow Cable 2,3 mH
Voltage stator coil
single-phase: L-N: 2-4V
Coolant hoses [Ø / mm]
Raw water: 12
Exhaust hose [Ø / mm]
Fuel hose [Ø / mm]
Supply / return: 8
Engine oil type
over 25°C
SAE30 or SAE10W-30
0°C to 25°C
SAE20 or SAE10W-30