The Single Wire Mode
© 2020 F&S BONDTEC Semiconductor GmbH. All rights reserved.
Bonding in Single Wire Mode
The machine mode must be set to <Single Wire>.
Pressing the <Bond> key on the keypad opens the Single Wire dialog.
The individual segments of a wire connection are represented in the editing window by the respective tabs.
Figure 7.1. - 1
Single Wire Dialog
To teach the bond positions, move the cursor in the Bond tab to Bond X position or Y position.
Focus the camera image and select the light and camera settings so that the component surface is clearly visible.
These settings are available in the <Light & Camera> subpage.
To focus the camera image move the bond head up/down with the joystick to get a focused live image.
Set the crosshairs to the desired bond position with the joystick.
Pressing the <Store Trace> button accepts the XY coordinates and automatically measures the part height at the
selected bond position.
All bond positions must be taught in once with <Store Trace>, which also measures the height at each bond position.
Pressing <Bond> jumps to the next bond. There the light and camera settings also have to be adjusted.
You can switch to the previous or next bond position at any time using the arrow keys or by clicking on the respective
tab to move the bond positions there again. The position is confirmed again with the <Bond> key.
Once all positions have been confirmed and measured, the wire can be bonded by pressing the <Bond> key at the
last bond position.
After the creation of a wire, the bonder automatically moves back to Bond 1 and shows the bond position.
If you want to bond other similar wires to the same part heights, simply confirm the shift of the bond positions with
the joystick by pressing the <Bond> key. After confirming the last bond position, a new bond connection is automa-
tically created.
Use the left and right arrow keys (
) to switch between the individual bond points of a wire connection
the position of the currently clicked bond point can also be changed in the live video by dragging with the