The Falcon 4-Slot Dock
DOS Portable Terminals
If any problems occur with a dock, or correct dock configuration cannot be
verified, attach that dock directly to the host computer with an RS-232 cable.
Then repeat the above steps with only the one dock attached to the host. The
dock should send back four unit IDs, with unit IDs of
[ ]
for empty slots and
for slots that have portables without the Falcon 4-Slot Dock
device driver loaded.
It is possible to type in the command at a terminal communications program, sending
it out the COM port from an application, or copying it to the COM port device driver
under DOS. For complete information about sending commands to a Falcon 4-Slot
Dock, see the Falcon DOS Portable Data Terminals Programmer’s Reference.
The unit IDs are received in brackets (i.e.,
[Unit ID]
) from any portables in dock
slots. For each empty slot in the dock network, the Falcon 4-Slot Dock receives a blank
Unit ID (
[ ]
). A slot returns the reserved Unit ID
if the Falcon in the
slot is powered off (models 31x only), the Falcon does not have the 4-Slot Dock driver
) loaded, or the baud rate of the Falcon is not set to the same baud rate
as the 4-Slot Dock network and host computer. Page 6 Friday, September 27, 2002 4:22 PM