4 horn screws
Holes bored for
fixing spacer to base
Shaft to be replaced
Assembly of horn for Opanka stitching.
The Opanka horn is used for side stitching the shoe sole.
To replace the horn, proceed as follows:
- Switch off the mains switch and disconnect the machine from the main supply line.
- Unscrew the three screws n. 90075.5 which fix the horn, and remove the horn.
- Place support n. 5522.10 in position and fix with the three screws 90079.5, keeping it perfectly
cente red with the diameter of the plate n.5502.10.
- Position the Opanka horn on the spacer.
- Only just tighten the 4 screws n.90072.5 and center the horn with slight movements by tapping the
horn base with a resin hammer.
- Control that the horn is correctly centered by removing the whirl cover plate and checking that
the whirl remains still, or practically still while the horn is being turned.
- When this operation is complete, block the horn by tightening the 4 screws n. 90072.5.
1) If the machine has been set up with the Opanka horn and this needs to be replaced with the normal horn
for plain sewing, carry out the same procedure in reverse order.
2) The horn for Opanka stitching does not have a spring clip for thread tension.
- For the position of the whirl, see par.7.4.
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