PC-over-IP Administrative
Interface User Manual
Figure 2-5: Network Configuration Enable DHCP
Enable DHCP
is enabled, the device will contact a DHCP server to be assigned an
IP address, subnet mask, gateway IP address and DNS servers. When disabled, the
device requires these parameters to be set manually. IP Address
IP Address
field is the device’s IP address. If DHCP is disabled, this field is required.
If DHCP is enabled, this field is not editable. This field must be a valid IP address; if an
invalid IP address is entered, the OSD will prompt the administrator to correct it. Subnet Mask
Subnet Mask
field is the device’s subnet mask. If DHCP is disabled, this field is
required. If DHCP is enabled, this field is not editable. This field must be a valid subnet
mask; if an invalid subnet mask is entered, the OSD will prompt the administrator to
correct it. Gateway
field is the device’s gateway IP address. If DHCP is disabled, this field is
required. If DHCP is enabled, this field is not editable. This field must be a valid IP
address; if an invalid IP address is entered, the OSD will prompt the administrator to
correct it. Primary DNS Server
Primary DNS Server
field is the device’s primary DNS IP address. This field is
optional. If DHCP is enabled, this field is not editable. This field must be a valid IP
address; if an invalid IP address is entered, the OSD will prompt the administrator to
correct it.