PC-over-IP Administrative
Interface User Manual
Table 1-2: Step 1: Audio Parameters
Enable HD Audio
Enables audio support on Host or Portal (refer to
Section 1.7.2).
Enable Microsoft® Windows
Vista® 64-bit Mode
Enables 64-bit mode on Host (refer to Section
1.7.2). This mode should only be used for Vista-64.
This option is only available on a Host; on the Portal
it is not shown.
Note: Enabling 64-bit mode is not required for Linux
or Windows XP (32-bit or 64-bit); refer to section
1.7.2. Step 2: Network
Step 2: Network
allows the administrator to configure the network parameters. Table 1-3
summarizes the applicable parameters.
Table 1-3: Step 2: Network Parameters
Parameter Comments
Enable DHCP
Enables DHCP vs. manual configuration (refer to Section
IP Address
Device’s IP address (refer to Section 1.6.2).
Subnet Mask
Device’s subnet mask (refer to Section 1.6.2).
Device’s gateway IP address (refer to Section 1.6.2).
Primary DNS Server
Device’s primary DNS IP address (refer to Section 1.6.2).
Secondary DNS Server
Device’s secondary DNS IP address (refer to Section
1.6.2). Step 3: Session
Step 3: Session
allows the administrator to configure the session parameters. Table 1-4
summarizes the Host parameters and Table 1-5 shows the Portal parameters.