Professional H.264 and MPEG-2 Decoder
Revision 1.0
Page - 47
There are two recommended ways to upgrade the firmware for the 5782DEC.
1. WebEASY
2. VistaLINK
with the 570FC
Using the WebEASY
on a web interface is the fastest and recommended procedure to load firmware
onto the 5782DEC.
6.2.1. Firmware Upgrade Using WebEASY
When first visiting the 5782DEC web interface, the user will be asked to enter a Login and Password.
Enter “
” for Login and “
” for Password.
On the top of the web page for the 5782DEC, there is a tab labelled Upgrade. The Upgrade tab is used
to check current firmware version and upload the latest firmware.
Figure 6-3: WebEASY
– Upgrade Button on Top Menu Bar
Selecting the Upgrade tab will take you to Figure 6-4 where the current firmware version is shown.
Should the firmware be outdated, you will need to download the firmware image file.
NOTE: Contact Evertz get the latest firmware file.