Professional H.264 and MPEG-2 Decoder
Revision 1.0
Page - 43
5.11. FAULTS
The 5782DEC has a Fault Page where the following information can have traps set and will display if
there is a fault present. Red indicates there is a fault present and green indicates there is no fault
Figure 5-14: WebEASY
– Faults Tab
CC Fault Present
Video CC Error:
This control checks whether a continuity counter fault is currently present.
Audio 1-4 CC Error:
This control checks whether a continuity counter fault is currently present.
Memory Self Test Fault Present
Memory Self Test:
This control checks whether a memory self test fault is currently present.
Input Fault Present
TS Input Missing:
This control checks whether an input fault is currently present.
TS Sync Byte Missing:
This control checks whether a TS Sync Byte is missing.
Input Bit Error:
This control is used to enable and disable input traps.
SCTE 35 Data Present:
This control is used to enable and disable input traps.
SCTE 104 Data Inserted:
This control is used to enable and disable input traps.
Video Timestamp Error:
This control is used to enable and disable input traps.
Audio Timestamp Error 1-8:
This control is used to enable and disable input traps.