product: x410
type: x4xx
Use the combination of numbers and letters following serial: as your unique
serial number. The serial number is also printed on a label on the bottom of
your device.
Use the IP address following addr: to identify your device in step 7.
3. Use an SSH connection to access your device’s management console.
1. To open an SSH connection, use your unique serial number to run the
command ssh root@ni-x4xx-<serial>
Running this command opens a session with the username root and a
blank password.
2. Type yes and press <Enter> if you are prompted to select whether you
want to continue connecting.
The first time you successfully connect, the following warning is output.
Warning: permanently added 'ni-x4xx-<serial>' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts.
3. Type exit and press <Enter> to exit the SSH connection.
4. Transfer the embedded file system image to the device
by running the command scp "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
Instruments\NI-USRP\filesystems\usrp_x4xx_fs_v4.1.0.4.mender" root@ni-
You may need to update the mender version referenced in this
command depending on the version in use.
5. Update the file system image on your device.
Ettus USRP X410 Getting Started Guide