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Outlier Removal
This function facilitates the increasingly stringent removal of outlying vessel data.
Selecting Outlier Removal will reduce the standard deviation of the Metrics. The
outlying data are selected automatically by the software according to an
algorithm - points cannot be excluded manually. Select from “None” (no outlier
removal), “Standard” or “Aggressive”. Whenever a graph is created, it will
conform to the currently selected degree of stringency. None is the IncuCyte™
default setting, and it is recommended.
Graph Drag and Drop: Auto Alignment
When graphs are dragged and dropped to create a plot overlay, they can be set
to automatically align at a specific point on the Y-axis. Select the “Drag and Drop:
Auto Align at Y-Value when Drag and Drop occurs” check box in the Preferences
The Drag and Drop Alignment selection (selected or un-selected) chosen via the
Preferences window will apply to all graph overlays, but the numerical value at
which alignment occurs MUST be set using the Graph Window. To select the
numerical value for alignment, use the “Auto Alignment” tab at the bottom of
the Graph Window, and choose the value at which alignment will occur (the
default value is 22). Whatever alignment value is set under this tab will apply to
all future graph overlays. To change the value, select a new value, and then press
“Apply”. See Auto Alignment under Other Graph Features (section for
more information. Other Graph Features
Error Bars
When multiple wells or sectors are combined to generate a single trace, Error
Bars can be added that represent the standard deviation between the wells or
sectors. Standard Error and Standard Deviation Error Bars are available. The
Standard Error Bars are the default selection. To change or remove Error Bars
select the “View” drop down menu from the top of the Graph window. When
Error Bars are chosen, then all graphs generated subsequent to that time will
automatically be assigned Error Bars. Deselecting the Error Bars will eliminate all
Error Bars from subsequent graphs.