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Figure 13.
Fluorescence Calibration
6.2.1 FLR Calibration Results
When the calibration is complete the status of the Fluorescence Calibration completed
successfully will be displayed in the far right column of the table labeled “Result”
(pass/fail status is reported for each magnification). You might need to click on the green
“Refresh” button on the bottom to see the updated status. A summary of calibration
details and accompanying images can be accessed via the “View Test Results” button
located at the bottom of the screen. The calibration results will be displayed in a new
window. The detailed results can also be viewed under the Logs tab, Log Type: Test. The
log will also state whether or not the calibration passed. If the calibration failed, the log
will include recommendations to avoid potential issues the next time through.
Chapter 7: Cell Culture Monitoring and Data Analysis
7.1 Introduction
The IncuCyte™ ZOOM introduces an innovative platform to acquire, analyze and quantify images
from living cells that remain unperturbed by the detection method for repeated measures over
long periods of time; features we refer to as Live Content Imaging. In addition, IncuCyte™ ZOOM
has a powerful database designed to make it simple for Users to search and retrieve
experimental data using a unified search tool.
The design of the IncuCyte™ ZOOM software provides flexibility in designing cellular assays as
well as providing easy to understand, sophisticated analysis tools. These analytical tools allow