D) Support for Null time slot join;
FEC Parity
FEC Parity
Figure 5.5 Data and control frame structure
2. Support for LC packet
A) Support to join 72bit LC, CRC24bit check, and add CRC mask (Header and Terminator
difference), BPTC (196,96) encoding, set up voice Head frame;
B) Supports the construction of ShortLC packets with 72bitLC information for embedding into
the EMB area of voice;
C) Support for dynamic update of LC packages;
3. CSBK packages, MBC packages, and data packets are supported; detailed internals include:
A) Support to join Slot Type (20bit), including CC, DataType, for Golay (20, 8) encoding;
B) Support SYNC to join;
C) Supports adding 80bit CSBK, CRC16bit checksum and adding CRC mask for BPTC
(196,96) encoding and interleaving;