Traffic Card Descriptions
C h a p t e r 2
Traffic Card Descriptions
This chapter describes each of the traffic cards that are currently available for the SmartEdge
1200 router.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) cards include:
• ATM OC-12c/STM-4c Intermediate Reach Card
• ATM OC-3c/STM-1c Intermediate Reach Card
Fast Ethernet traffic cards include:
• 10/100 Ethernet and Fast Ethernet-Gigabit Ethernet Cards
Gigabit Ethernet traffic cards include:
• Gigabit Ethernet and Advanced Gigabit Ethernet
Packet over SONET/SDH traffic cards include:
In the descriptions that follow, the term SmartEdge 1200 applies to any version of the chassis,
unless otherwise noted. The terms SmartEdge 1200s and SmartEdge 1200n refer to the
standard and NEBS-compliant versions of the chassis, respectively. Figures for the
SmartEdge 1200 chassis illustrate the SmartEdge 1200n chassis, unless otherwise noted.
In the descriptions that follow, the term controller card refers to any version of the
Cross-Connect Route Processor (XCRP) Controller card (XCRP, XCRP3, XCRP4), unless
otherwise noted.
The term Gigabit Ethernet applies to any Ethernet traffic card that supports a port speed of
1 Gbps or greater; unless explicitly stated, the speed of any Gigabit Ethernet port is 1 Gbps.