OC-192c/STM-64c Card
Traffic Card Descriptions
OC-192c/STM-64c Card
The OC-192c/STM-64c card provides a single 9.9-Gbps SONET or SDH port, which is used as either an
optical line or optical trunk interface.
The card supports three types of XFP transceivers:
• SR-1—Transmitter range of 1,290 to 1,330 nm
• IR-2—Transmitter range of 1,530 to 1,565 nm
• LR-2b—Transmitter range of 1,530 to 1,565 nm
For information about the transceivers, see the
Transceivers for SmartEdge Traffic Cards
Figure 2-5 shows the OC-192c/STM-64c traffic card.
The OC-192c/STM-64c card supports the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), high-level data-link control
(HDLC), and Frame Relay encapsulations. It also supports a frame size of up to 9600 bytes.
Figure 2-5
OC-192c/STM-64c Card