Intended Audience
SmartEdge 1200 Router Hardware Guide
Transceivers for SmartEdge Traffic Cards
Describes the transceiver types and their specifications, including cable data, for all traffic cards, and
how to install them.
Ports, Circuits, and Tunnels Configuration Guide for the SmartEdge OS
Describes the tasks and commands that you use to configure traffic cards, their ports, channels, and
circuits, including link groups, bridged and cross-connected circuits, and tunnels.
Ports, Circuits, and Tunnels Operations Guide for the SmartEdge OS
Describes the operations tasks and commands that you use to monitor, administer, and troubleshoot
traffic cards, their ports, channels, and circuits, including link groups, bridged and cross-connected
circuits, and tunnels.
NetOp EMS Operations Guide
Provides detailed instructions on configuring, managing, and troubleshooting a network of SmartEdge
routers using the NetOp™ Element Management System (EMS) software.
Redback Glossary
Provides a list of industry standard terms and terms found in the SmartEdge hardware and software
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for network engineers who are responsible for the planning and configuration of the
SmartEdge 1200 router and qualified (trained) service personnel who install and service SmartEdge 1200
equipment. This guide assumes that readers are familiar with hardware installation and service procedures
in general, but might not have previously installed or serviced a SmartEdge 1200 router.
This guide is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1, “System Description”
Provides a functional overview of the SmartEdge 1200 router that includes the interfaces, system
components, features, and typical applications for the system.
• Chapter 2, “Traffic Card Descriptions”
Describes each of the packet traffic cards that are currently available for the SmartEdge 1200 router.
• Chapter 3, “Preparing for Installation”
Describes planning for the hardware installation, including site and management access requirements
for the SmartEdge 1200 router.
• Chapter 4, “Installing the Hardware”
Describes how to install the SmartEdge 1200 hardware.