Where do I set the Vector Line Width?
Different software packages set the line width in different places. In CorelDRAW, you can find the outline
width in the top menu bar when a vector line is selected. In Adobe Illustrator it is called the stroke width
and you can find this setting in the Stroke Panel. Vector line width will vary from program to program. We
find that using .003” (0.077 mm) or less in CorelDraw, or .001” (0.025 mm) or less in Adobe Illustrator works
If you can’t select a line to set the width, it may be because it is part of a grouped object. Try
to ungroup the object, then select the line. You also can’t select an individual line if that line is
part of a raster image.
Print quality is commonly referred to as Resolution and is one of the variables that determine image
quality. Resolution is expressed in dots per inch (DPI) and is determined by the number of lines or dots
that are engraved for every inch of movement. Each horizontal line is referred to as a raster line. The
higher the resolution setting, the finer the detail that can be achieved. Keep in mind that engraving
resolution is only one factor in determining image quality. The quality of the artwork being sent to the
laser can have a bigger influence on the look of the final product than the resolution. If low quality
artwork is being used, even the highest resolution will not improve it. Also keep in mind that image quality
is subjective. 300 DPI may be just fine for some images and some customers, while 600 DPI is the absolute
minimum for others.
This diagram shows the concept
of raster lines and dots-per-inch
(DPI). The arrows show the change
in direction of the carriage between
raster lines. The difference in dot
density between 300 DPI and 600 DPI.
300 DPI
600 DPI
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