Ordering Processes
In the Processes section of the Dashboard, you may rearrange the order in which each process runs on
the laser. The order of the processes in the list is the order that they will be completed by the laser. You
can change the order of the processes by clicking and dragging them up and down in the list. In this
example we are engraving and cutting leather bookmarks. The top most process will engrave first, and
the job will finish with the leftmost outline being cut.
The process order will always begin with any engraving processes, then follow with your vector processes.
If you attempt to move a vector process above an engraving process, it will automatically go back to its
previous position below all the engraving processes. This is to ensure that the engraving processes are
completed while the piece is as flat as possible. Once cut through, pieces may shift as they are cut out
of the item, providing a misaligned engraving.
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