S-Play User Manual
Part No.: 51301
6 March 2021
Document ID: 4686708
To record Cues, select any cue in the library as shown in the image below.
Select the cue type to be recorded or created:
The S-Play allows previews of recordings or effects to be played back without the need to
create a playlist.
Recording Pointers:
During ArtNet or sACN recording, ensure that no other active ArtNet/sACN device is
outputting (including the S-Play). This will eliminate the chance of interference
loopback that can lead to jumpy or incorrect recordings.
The S-Play actively outputs the same internal universes as it is recording in real-time.
For best practice configure your DMX input universes to be different to the output
universes on the S-Play Settings page, or the outputs on the settings page are set to
to stop any data conflict.
When recording using the physical DMX ports, ensure the DMX ports are not already
configured to be outputs on the Settings page. – If a DMX port is configured to be an
output it will be unable to receive data.