S-Play User Manual
Part No.: 51301
6 March 2021
Document ID: 4686708
Connection to Relays
The S-Play contains relays designed for use with low power devices and to provide switching
logic for higher power devices.
To ensure a safe installation it is imperative that the power connected to the S-Play relays is
within safe operating limits:
The S-Plays relay specifications are as follows:
Maximum Current Rating:
Maximum Voltage Rating:
50V DC
Total switchable power of each S-Play relay:
To calculate to total power your circuit will pass through the relay, multiply the circuit
voltage by the current you intend to pass through it. This value must be lower than 60w
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Maximum Power
If your application requires mains power switching or high current applications, ENTTEC
recommends the use of a DMX switch pack controlled by the S-Play’s DMX output, or wire the
S-Plays relay outputs to connect to the primary coil of a DIN mount high powered relay.
Connection to Digital Inputs
The S-Play’s digital inputs detect circuit completion to the S-Plays ‘GND’ (V- terminal) to send
The maximum resistance of a cable that can be used to connect to a Digital Input to
the S-Plays GND is
20 Ohms
ENTTEC recommends a total maximum wire length of 100m. (50m total distance from
the S-Play in a loop).
The longer the cable, the higher it’s capacitance and likelihood of interference from
EMF (Electro Magnetic Interference).
To ensure a reliable trigger when creating a system, contact should be made for 3
seconds when triggering a digital input.
Always run digital input cabling away from mains power or high sources of EMI (i.e. air
conditioning units) to reduce interference.
If you require a remote input trigger further away from the S-Play than 50m, ENTTEC
recommend the use of a 3rd party GPIO interface that can communicate with the S-Plays other
triggering methods over a network.