the specific pool size ordered. Included in the kit are radius cor-
ners and straight pieces to provide a finished look. These extru-
sions are fastened down to the top flange of the pool panels
through the spacer washers and the reinforcing channels in the
same fashion as the regular liner hanger system. See Figure 12.1
Please review Technical Specification 5.3 before installing this
system. The installer is responsible for building a proper
perimeter substrate for the concrete or tile.
13. Optional Synthetic Coping System
An ideal solution for indoor installations, the Synthetic Coping
System finishes off an Endless Pool
quickly and easily.
Typically used when the pool is installed partially or fully
aboveground, the Optional Synthetic Coping System provides a
finished 9-3/4” wide waterproof edge to your pool. Made of
synthetic boards and corner pieces with shiplapped joints, the
system comes in a variety of colors. See Figure 13.1. The sys-
tem is described more fully in Tech Bulletin #4. The appearance
of the joint and the fastening system is best described in the
“Full-Length Installation” Video.
14. Optional Aluminum Coping System
The Endless Pools Aluminum Coping Option offers a conven-
ient method to finish off the top edge of your Endless Pool,
either indoors or out. The coping, which also acts as a liner
hanger, is 1-3/8" thick and comes in a sand textured white fin-
ish. The pieces are precut to fit your pool size and fit securely
over the steel channel. The system is described more fully in
Tech Bulletin #4B. The coping system is delivered with your
pool. It may be ordered later and shipped by UPS groundtrack
for an additional shipping charge. The kit’s weight depends on
the pool size and comes in 5 boxes.
Each coping kit contains pre-fabricated corners and straight
aluminum pieces cut to match your pool size. The 8" wide pro-
file of the coping makes it ideally suited for pools which are
freestanding or partially recessed. The coping is secured to the
top of the wall panel with tek screws, see Figure 14.1, which
are concealed beneath the aluminum snap strip of the same
finish as the coping. See Figure 14.2. As an alternative the 6-
3/8" snap strip can be eliminated and a 6" accent tile can be
installed. Joints between the adjacent coping pieces are cov-
ered with an aluminum cover strip with the same finish as the
coping. See Figure 14.3.
15. Optional Retractable Security Cover System
Our most popular option and strongly recommended, the
Retractable Security Cover system protects children and pets
from the pool while keeping in temperature and humidity. With
some installations, suitable access for this roll up cover system
is complex and should be discussed with an Endless Pool design
professional during the planning stage. Tech Bulletin #5
describes the cover installation more fully and includes an order
form to select the appropriate cover fabric and specify indoor or
outdoor installations which in turn determines whether a rain-
water removal pump is supplied as part of the kit.
Fig 13.1: Synthetic coping system. (Sandstone shown)
Fig 14.1: Securing aluminum coping system with tek screws.
Fig 14.2 Installing the aluminum coping snap strip.
Fig 14.3: Installing the aluminum cover strip.