Endless Pools, Inc. • 200 E. Dutton Mill Rd • Aston, PA 19014-2931
800-910-2714 • 610-497-8693 fax • www.myendlesspool.com
B10 10-06
Introductory Material
Swim at Home
A color brochure introducing what the Endless Pool is and how it
can be incorporated into your lifestyle.
Select an Existing Site to Minimize Cost
A color insert that emphasizes the advantages of selecting an
existing site such as a basement, garage, porch, patio or small
backyard for your Endless Pool.
The EPI Price List
This provides current pricing for the standard system, options and
accessories, as well as the terms and conditions of sale.
An Introduction to the Endless Pool
A short booklet that summarizes the technical aspects of an
Endless Pool project.
Gallery of Pools
A color brochure containing a selection of photographs provided
by our customers of their pools from around the country.
Planning Guide
A short booklet that assists in planning both the pool and equip-
ment locations and the installation process. We review how to
choose the appropriate water depth and pool configuration.
Technical Material
Technical Specifications
This large booklet provides over 30 detailed drawings of the basic
components of the Endless Pool, alternate configurations, section
details, anchoring details, finishing details, options and specialty
details. This booklet is a must for those concerned with technical
aspects of the Endless Pool project.
Pool Layout Kit
A handy vellum sketch pad with pool templates to help you make
a drawing of your pool site.
Options Information
A color insert showing the various pool sizes available as well as
our Retractable Security Cover.
Concrete Pool: An Endless Pool Insert
A complete set of technical drawings showing how a local con-
crete pool builder can construct a small pool to accommodate the
Endless Pool propulsion system and stainless steel water return
The EPI Owner’s Manual
Our manual discussing pool installation in thorough detail. Product
literature on each of the pool components is also included.
Videos (Also available on DVD)
Introduction to the Endless Pool Video
Our benchmark video explaining the Endless Pool, with
testimonials from customers.
An Animated Guide to the Endless Pool.
This DVD explains, in animated form, various aspects of plan-
ning an Endless Pool. Learn how to address humidity con-
cerns in an indoor pool, or see how a deeper pool can enhance
your exercise options.
Improve Your Swim
Terry Laughlin, founder of “Total Immersion” guides you
through some of the basic “Total Immersion” techniques in
an Endless Pool.
Endless Pool Planning Video
PBS host Richard Trethewey and Olympic Gold Medalist
Rowdy Gaines take you through a streamlined Endless Pool
installation to help visualize where your pool might be located
in your home or on your property. Also included are snapshots
of more than 100 installations.
An Endless Pool in a Ground Floor Space Video
This detailed video shows the step-by-step transformation of
an unfinished space into a private pool room. Accompanying
printed materials show how the project was planned with
rough sketches and an actual bill of materials.
Endless Pool Triathlon Video
This video shows our Triathlete Edition Endless Pool
featured at the 2001 Hawaii Ironman and interviews with
triathletes who train in their personal Endless Pool.
Endless Pool Full-Length Installation Video
This video begins with an overview but goes on to provide
in-depth instruction; it should be viewed prior to and
during installation.
PT Video
Physical therapy pools for hospitals and clinics are introduced
in this video. Segments showing water running and aquatic
aerobics are included.
Michael Holigan’s “Your New House” TV Segment
A standard 8'x15' Endless Pool installed above-ground, in one
bay of a two-car garage.
Contractor’s Overview Video
This brief video is an ideal introduction to an Endless Pool
Project. Often watched by the homeowner and the contractor,
the Overview Video gives a good sense of the project scope.
Endless Pool Backyard Installations Video
This detailed video shows the step-by-step installation of a
pool in a backyard. The video includes backyard installations
from some of our customers.
A 5-Minute Installation Video
Using time-lapse video, a full day install of a pool in a garage
is compressed into a 5-minute segment.
Endless Pools, Inc.
provides a wealth of material for every aspect of an Endless Pool project. If you are missing
any of the materials listed below and would like to receive them, please call Endless Pools at 800.910-2714.
Information and PDF files are also available online at www.myendlesspools.com/downloads.html.