Owner and operator manual
Section 5: Supplemental information
3-9008-001 Rev M
January 2015
Torque information
Torque information
Daniel utilizes several joint assemblies constructing the Senior. To successfully pass all factory
tests, factory personnel torque each fastener in the joint assembly to contain pressure and seal
the unit. Product owners and product operators must realize that service conditions and time
will impact the tightness and strength of factory assembled joints. Some conditions of time and
service may loosen the joint assemblies. Some, but not all, of service conditions that will affect
joint assemblies are:
temperature changes
mechanical loads
pressure loads
condition of joint assembly components (fasteners, gaskets, sealing surface conditions)
The information contained in this manual is to provide product owners and operators basic
torque values to use as a starting point to provide adequate assembly and in-service clamping
force in most applications. However, product owners and product operators are ultimately
responsible for joint assembly.
Joint assembly procedures
Clean all fastening and sealing surfaces of all debris and chase threads by running each
fastener through its intended tapped hole by hand
Assemble joint and apply torque (refer to per torque application patterns provided)
Tighten each fastener as follows:
Install fastener - apply less than 20% of required torque
Second Pass - apply 20% - 30% of required torque
Third Pass - apply 30% - 70% of required torque
Fourth Pass - apply 100% of required torque
Verify that the Sealing Bar (9, 9HP), Sealing Bar Gasket 9A, 9A-HP, 9CF) and
Body (4) were brought together evenly and gasket does not leak.
Fifth Pass - apply 100% of required torque four hours after Fourth Pass