3410 Series Gas Ultrasonic Meters Operations Manual
Section 3: Optional feature keys
3-9000-777 Rev E
January 2018
Section 3: Optional feature keys
Daniel 3410 Series Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meters offer many industry-leading features including
Chapter 21-compliant data log access, gas chromatograph (GC) interface, AGA10 sound
velocity calculation (with comparison to measured sound velocity) and Continuous Flow
Analysis diagnostics.
Daniel recognizes that these features are valuable to many, but not all customers. The optional
keys may be purchased with the meter or at a later time and this key enables all optional features
available. All keys are unique to the CPU board’s serial number, so a key entered for one meter
will not work in another meter.
The Continuous Flow Analysis optional feature is enabled via a software “key” value that is
specific to the meter’s CPU Board. This software feature key consists of 16 characters divided
into four hyphen-separated, 4-character groups (such as 1234-5678-90AB-CDEF). This dialog is
only available while connected to a meter with firmware that contains option keys to enable.
In Daniel MeterLink, access the
Key Manager
to view key statuses, add keys or change the key
Obtaining optional keys
If you do not have a valid key to enter to enable a feature, you must have the CPU board serial
number available, which displays in the
Meter|Key Manager
dialog and the
Meter Menu|Meter
dialog, when you contact Daniel to obtain the key. The keys can be given verbally
over the phone or they can be e-mailed in a Key file for easy entry.
E-mail: [email protected]
(select the “Contact Us” link)
Also see, Daniel MeterLink
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