Outputs test
Section 7: Tools commands
3410 Series Gas Ultrasonic Meters Operations Manual
June 2016
3-9000-777 Rev D
to compute the calculated values.
The SOS Calculator can open the comma-separated value files exported from
MON20/20 or MON2000 Software for Gas Chromatographs Calculation Results screen.
If you have customized any of the component names in the gas chromatograph you will
need to modify the SOS Calculator's map file. Daniel MeterLink lists any component
names that cannot be processed.
to print the Meter Name if connected to a meter, Company Name as set
under Program Settings, Date and Time based on the PC clock, Comment, Gas
composition inputs, Pressure/temperature inputs, and Calculated values.
If the SOS Calculator was launched from Maintenance Logs and Reports, click
accept the calculation and finish creating the Maintenance log. Click
to skip the
computed SOS and continue making the Maintenance log.
If the SOS Calculator was launched from the
Tools|SOS Calculator
menu, click
return to the Main window of Daniel MeterLink.
Outputs test
The Outputs Test dialog box allows you to monitor the live values of all the frequency, current
and digital outputs. Additionally the outputs can be set into a Test mode to force the outputs to
a specific user defined value. This dialog box is only available while connected to a meter.
Refer to
Section 5.7
in this manual for additional information about the Outputs Test Mode.
Transducer swap-out
The transducer swap-out utility allows you to update parameters such as path lengths, delay
times, and delta times for chord. This is necessary anytime transducers, mounts, holders, or
stalks have to be replaced for a chord. Refer to the
Daniel 3410 Series Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meters
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual
(P/N 3-9000-769, Sections 3.3 - 3.6) for detailed
instructions for replacing the transducers, mounts and stalks and setting the parameters for the
pairs of transducers you replaced. Also note, separate instructions are given for replacing these
components while under pressure with and without an extractor tool. Refer to the
Daniel Split
Clamp Extractor Tool Operation Manual
(P/N 3-9000-744) for instructions in safe and proper use
of the tool.