Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN-02-04-97-0713-EN Rev. 1
October 2019
Section 10: View Routines
View Routines
Torque Profile
The torque profile routine gives important information on the actuator working conditions
in comparison with a previously memorized reference profile. The torque profile can
indicate a change in process conditions.
Reference details are retained and the latest torque is expressed as a % of the nominal torque.
At the end of a full stroke in opening or closing, the XTE3000 stores the 3 maximum torque
values in position intervals 0%-10%, 10%-90%, 90%-100% in opening, and the 3 maximum
torque values in position intervals 100%-90%, 90%-10%, 10%-0% in closing. Time and date
of valve strokes are also saved. The above data are updated at the end of every full valve
stroke and the previous data are overwritten. The “set torque reference" function in the
SET-UP MENU, Maintenance, (Section 7), allows saving of the “torque profile” data in the
“torque profile reference” with a date and time. The “torque profile reference” will not be
updated until a new “set torque reference” command is entered. The user can compare the
last torque profile relevant to the last valve stroke with the torque profile reference saved
The following definitions will be used:
Breakout: maximum torque % in position interval 0-10% in opening or 100%-90%
in closing = max. % of torque to unseat the valve.
Peak running: maximum torque % in position interval 10-90% in opening or
90% - 10% in closing = max. % of torque when the valve runs from Breakout to
Ending (maximum mid-travel).
Ending: maximum torque % in position interval 90-100% in opening or 10%-0% in
closing = max. % of torque to seat the valve.
The following data may be viewed:
Closing torque
Breakout %
Breakout reference %
Peak run %
Peak run reference %
Ending %
Ending reference %
Date of the last stroke
Date of reference (same of opening)
Opening torque
Breakout %
Breakout reference %
Peak run %
Peak run reference %
Ending %
Ending reference %
Date of the last stroke
Date of reference (same of closing)