October 2019
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN-02-04-97-0713-EN Rev. 1
Section 9: Set-Up Routines
Set-Up Routines
Close limit by torque
Move the local selector to LOCAL. The local controls can be used.
Press the CLOSE control. The actuator will move in the closing direction and when
the configured torque value is reached, the motor will stop and the new position
limit is memorized.
Move the local selector to OFF.
Press YES to confirm.
Press YES to continue with the close limit setting, or press NO and again NO to
repeat the close limit setting procedure. Press NO and then YES to exit from the
stroke limits routine.
Open limit type
Press YES if the open limit type is correct (torque or position); otherwise,
press NO to change it.
Press YES to confirm.
en limit by position
Move the local selector to LOCAL. The local controls become active.
Move the valve to the open position (via the OPEN command or via the handwheel).
Move the local selector to OFF.
Press YES to confirm.
Press YES to exit, or press NO and then YES to repeat the close limit setting procedure.
Open limit by torque
Move the local selector to LOCAL. The local controls become active.
Press the OPEN control. The actuator will move in the opening direction and when
the configured torque value is reached, the motor will stop and the new position
limit is memorized.
Move the local selector to OFF.
Press YES to confirm.
Press YES to exit or press NO and then YES to repeat the close limit setting procedure.
If the parameter “direction to close” is changed, both limits (open and close) must be set.
Table 11.
Valve type
Close Limit
Open Limit
Gate (solid, flexible and split wedge), globe,
metal-seated butterfly valves
Ball, gate (parallel slide), plug valves, rubber-seated
butterfly valves
Linear valves with back-seating on stem
Torque or Position
Before leaving the stroke limits routine the microprocessor calculates the new value of
the position resolution. If the stroke turns are fewer than 2.7, the message “error re-try”
appears and the stroke limits procedure must be repeated.