SERVICE MANUAL Blast Chiller Freezer 100 - 200
Type of
Possible causes
Instructions to
Service Action
(phase# refers to
Service Manual)
Compressor noises
Beats due to excess of oil in-
side the compressor
Beats due to liquid in the com-
Bearings and/or other compo-
nents worn
Call service
Remove the excess of oil
See the failure : Presence of liquid in the carter
Replace the compressor Compressor not as-
sembled properly
Insufficient oil pressure or low
oil level
Lack of oil
Oil pump broken
Bearing too worn
Piping does not guarantee
enough return oil return
Oil filter dirty
Call service
Add oil
Replace it
Replace the compressor
Check the layout pipes
Replace the filter
Intervention of the protection of
the compressor
Too high discharge pressure
Relay defective
High suction temperature
Low suction pressure
Power or control circuit con-
nections loosened
Defective motor
Call service
Check the condenser is working properly
Replace it
Reduce the suction temperature
See the failure : Low suction pressure
Check all connections
Replace the compressor
The compressor run with locked
rotor amps
Low power supply or mistake
in the connections
The compressor is blocked
The motor is defective
Lake of one phase
Call service
Check the supply tension
Replace it
Check the windings
Check the tension on the terminals
Motor burnt out
Check the welded power
and/or control contacts to
identify the burnt out parts
Call service
Replace the defective parts and the compressor
The temperature of the com-
pressor is too high
Compression ratio too high
Call service
Check the pressure switches, that the conden-
ser is clean and motors fans