KGL Operating Manual – UA 412 S
10 122
According to experience, transmission of alarms is not yet functional during putting into service
(no telephone line laid etc.). It is strongly recommended in such cases to monitor the controller
via the CAN bus using a system centre, a store computer or an operator terminal and to
enable transmission of alarms, for example using a GSM modem via a mobile telephone
system. In standalone operation, or as an alternative to monitoring with system centre / store
computer / operator terminal, an available alarm contact on the controller must be used to
realise transmission of alarms via a telephone network.
For fire prevention reasons, a suitable device for shutting down the defrost heating in the
event of excessive temperatures (high temperature circuit breaker) must already be taken into
account during planning of the installation.
For further information about the CAN bus, see the manual “Basics and General Safety and
Connection Notes”.
Work on the electrical system may
only be performed by authorised specialist personnel
to the definition for specialists in DIN/VDE 0105 and IEC364) and in accordance with the respective
VDE regulations, local safety regulations
Intended use
Five safety rules according to BGV A3
ESD measures
Operating instructions
2.1 Exclusion of liability for non-observance
This operating manual contains information about the putting into service, function, operation and maintenance
of the controller and the associated components.
A basic requirement for safe and trouble-free operation is
compliance with this operating manual
2.2 Requirements for the personnel
Special technical knowledge is required for planning, programming, installation, putting into service and
maintenance work. This work may only be performed by trained or specially trained personnel. The installation,
putting into service and maintenance personnel must have training which authorises interventions in the
system and the automation system. The planning and programming personnel must be familiar with the safety
concepts of automation technology. Specialist knowledge is required for work on electrical systems. Work on
electrical systems may only be carried out by qualified electricians or persons under their guidance or
supervision. In doing so, the respective applicable regulations (e.g. DIN EN 60204, EN 5017
8, BGV A3,
VDE 0100/0113) must be observed. The operating personnel must be instructed in handling the system /
machine and the controller and must be familiar with the operating instructions.