Setting and Unsetting
Page 12
How do I know that the system is set?
When the system sets the keypad briefly shows:
After a short period, the standby screen is displayed. For example:
In a part-setting system, one of the four ABCD keys (or one of the set/unset
LEDs on a i-KP01) may glow to show which part of the system is set
(Figure 1), unless disabled by the installer to meet appropriate standards.
Figure 1. Keypad LED positions to indicate set/unset status
In addition, the installer may have configured the system to flash the strobe
light briefly on the external siren/strobe unit when the system sets.
If the system does not set
If the system does not set, check the display to see if any zone is active.
Normally, the system can set only when zones (other than those in the
entry/exit route) are inactive. If there is more than one zone active, the
display changes every three seconds to show each zone in turn.
Quick-setting the system
Your installer may have enabled quick-setting, which removes the need to
use an access code or proximity tag to start setting.
To make the system comply with certain regulations, the installer
may not be allowed to provide this facility.
4 ghi
7 pqrs
2 abc
5 jkl
3 def
6 mno
8 tuv
9 wxyz
4 g h i
7 p q r s
2 a b c
5 j k l
3 d e f
6 m n o
8 t u v
9 wx y z
ABCD keys
Set/unset LEDs