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When the system is part set, the control unit sets only those zones that
belong to the part set you have chosen to set. The installer defines which
zones are in each part set. A part set may, for example, set all areas of the
building except the delivery area, which would allow people to occupy the
delivery area while the main part of the building is protected.
In a part-setting system, the system responds to just one keypad at a time.
Partitioned mode
Partitioned mode is useful if the system is installed at a site where it is
necessary for different groups of users to have independent control to set
and unset different areas of the building, such as certain offices in a
building used by several companies. The maximum number of partitions is
dependent on the type of control unit you are using.
The installer can allocate one or more zones to each partition, and users
can set and unset each partition completely independently of all the others.
Individual users can be given access to one or more partitions. If a user
has no access to a partition, he or she cannot set or unset that partition. In
effect, partitions allow the system to be split into separate alarm systems.
A zone is armed only when ALL of the partitions that it belongs to are set
(unless the zone has the One Partition attribute set). If you unset any of the
partitions that a zone belongs to, the control unit will unset that zone. This
allows, for example, the system to include areas such as lobbies that are
shared by users belonging to different companies.
In addition, each partition can have a full-set level and up to three part-set
levels. Users can choose whether to set a partition to which they have
access at full or a part-set level. When the user chooses a part-set level, all
zones that the installer has assigned the appropriate "Part Set" attribute are
set, and the others remain unset.
For partitioned systems, you can use more than one keypad at the same
time, provided that they are in separate partitions. Within each partition, the
control unit responds to just one keypad at a time.
The installer can allocate keypads, sirens, sounders or outputs to any of
the partitions.