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colour will be change into red and High led will be on and Buzzer will be
Stop the Ringing.
Press ‘Func/ESC’ key, Display will show S 0 then press enter key to go the
weighing mode.
Note: -Same Process for remaining Location’s.
For check weighing In the W1 Location we have set the Low Limit (LL) is
000.500kg, High Limit (HL) 001.000kg, Buzzer Mode (bZ) is in ‘IN’, and
Thresh hold (TH) Value is 000.100kg.
When we put the weight on the scale, that weight is below 000.100 kg
then no any check weighing is occurred. When the weight is above
000.100kg then display will be change into yellow and low indication is on.
When weight is above 000.500kg then displays colour change into Green
and ok led will be on, and buzzer will be start ringing. When weight is
above the 001.000kg then display colour will be change into red and high
indication led will be on, and buzzer will stop ringing.
Note: -Same Process for remaining Location’s.
6.4 Accumulation
To use the accumulation mode, the accumulation mode be either Manual
or Auto. Refer the Section 2.14.
When the Accumulation mode is enabled and first weighment is
done, then the Summation
symbol will be displayed. The user can
keep the weight and press M+ button, then display will show the total
accumulated weight and then come to weighing mode.
If Auto is selected, once the weight is stable, the weight will be added to
the accumulation memory, Then display will show the total Accumulated
weight and then come to weighing mode.