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P a g e
Total 9 locations for check weighing and 9 locations for the check
counting are available to enter the low limit, high limit, buzzer status,
threshold value.
After pressing these two keys together
Zero + Tare
, display will show
‘nIL’. Use increment key and decrement key to scroll from W1 to W9 for
the check Weighing, and C1 to C9 for the check counting. When ‘nIL’ is
selected, no check weighing or check counting function is work.
When we select C1 location by using Zero + tare key, Then display will be
show the Symbol
Then we have to short press ‘func/ESC’ key and display will show S 0
initially. Keep the known quantity of pieces for the sampling. Once the
Pieces for sampling is kept on the scale, press ‘Func/ESC’ key. The display
will be Show S 0, S cnt, S 10, S 20, S 50, S 100, S 200, S 500.
To Scroll between the S 0 to S 500 use Func Key.
Once the Desired sampling pieces is kept on scale, press the enter key.
For Ex- In the C1 Location we have set the Low Limit (LL) is 00005, High
Limit (HL) 000007, Buzzer Mode (bZ) is in ‘IN’, and Thresh hold (TH)
Value is 3.
When pieces are below the 3, no any check counting is occurred. When
we kept the 4 pieces on the scale ,indicator will be start the Check
counting and display colour change into yellow and Low indication Led is
also on, when we kept the 5 pieces on the scale then the display colour
will be change into the Green and ok Led will be on, and Buzzer will be
Start the ringing, again we kept 8 pieces on the scale, Then the display