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2.3 Display Backlight (dbL)
When ENTER key is pressed from “dbL Y”, the display will start
flashing ‘Y’. Default value is Y.
This is used to ON or OFF the Display backlight.
Y is used for ON and n is used for OFF.
Once the Display Backlight is chosen between Y or n, press ‘ENTER’
button to select,and after selection the display will come to the
previous menu.
(Note- It is available only in LCD Variants)
2.4 Display Backlight colour (bLCL)
When ENTER key is pressed from “bLCL W”, the display will start
flashing ‘W’. Default value is W.
This is used to change the Display backlight colour. In this indicator, 5
different backlight colours are available.
1. White (W)
2. Yellow (Y)
3. Blue (b)
4. Green (G)
5. Red (r)