Section 4: Programming Options
Valid range:
4.7 Available Zone Types
Delay 1
Commonly assigned to primary points of entry. Fol-
lows entry delay 1 and exit delay timers. Arming the
alarm system starts the exit delay timer. After the exit
delay has expired, opening the door starts the entry
delay timer. During entry delay, the keypad buzzer
prompts the user to disarm the system.
Delay 2
Commonly assigned to secondary points of entry (fur-
ther from the keypad). Follows entry delay 2 timer.
Commonly used for perimeter doors and windows,
this zone type follows the exit delay. The alarm is
triggered instantly if the zone is tripped after the exit
delay expires.
Commonly assigned to interior motion sensors near a
point of entry, such as a foyer or hallway, that must be
accessed to reach the keypad. The alarm is activated
if the system is armed and a delay type zone (e.g.,
front door) is not tripped first, or if the entry/exit timer
expires before the alarm is disarmed. Otherwise, the
zone is instant if tripped.
Similar to Interior zone type except that the system
bypasses the zone when armed in Stay mode. Com-
monly used to activate perimeter zones while per-
mitting free movement throughout the interior.
Similar to delay 1 except that the zone is bypassed
when armed in Stay mode. Commonly used with
motion detectors that cover an entry point.
Day Zone
Commonly used in areas where immediate noti-
fication of entry is desired. When disarmed, tripping
this zone activates the keypad buzzer but does not
log or report the event. When armed, tripping this
zone activates the siren then logs and reports the
An alarm during exit delay causes the siren to
activate and remain on when exit delay expires.
Standard 24-
Hour Fire
This zone is used with smoke detectors. The siren
sounds instantly when the smoke detector is activ-
ated. If enabled, the communicator immediately trans-
mits the alarm to the monitoring station. A tamper or
fault of this zone type causes a fire trouble to log and
Auto Verify
When the zone is activated, a 40-second delay
begins. The alarm is triggered if the zone is still faul-
ted after 30 seconds. If the zone is no longer in alarm,
an 80-second verification timer begins. If any fire
zone is activated during this period, the alarm is
If another fire zone is activated during the auto verify
sequence, both zones go into alarm immediately.
Wireless smoke detectors used with this zone
type must have a built in siren to act as a pre-alert to
the system alarm.
24-Hour CO
This zone type is used with CO detectors. In the event
of an alarm, a distinctive siren cadence is sounded.
This is followed by a 5-second pause and then
repeated. After 4 minutes, the 5-second pause is
extended to 60 seconds; however, BTO must be pro-
grammed with a value of 5 minutes or higher. The
siren is silenced when an access code is entered or
the siren times out.
24-Hour Burg-
This zone type is active at all times. It reports an alarm
if the alarm system is armed or disarmed. This zone
type sounds the siren for the length of Bell time-out if
the audible attribute is enabled.
24-Hour Hol-
Instant alarm when activated, silent alarm at default.
Not for use in UL listed installations.
Instant alarm when activated, audible alarm at
24-Hour Med-
Instant alarm when activated, audible alarm at
This zone is active and reports alarms at all times
when tripped. The siren and keypad buzzer do not
This zone type is used with temperature sensors and
is activated when the temperature rises above a pro-
grammed threshold. Instant alarm when activated,
audible alarm at default. This zone type generates an
alarm when the system is armed or disarmed.
The temperature threshold includes a 3 °C (5-
6 °F) difference between a given state and its
restored condition. For example, an alarm at 6 °C is
restored at 3°C (High temperature) or 9°C (Low tem-
perature), depending upon the zone type selected.
Instant alarm when activated, audible alarm at
24-Hour Non-
This zone is active at all times but does not cause an
alarm. Zone attributes such as Zone Bypassing and
Door Chime affect the functionality of this zone. This
zone type can also be assigned to a temperature
sensor if indoor/outdoor temperature display is
required without temperature warnings or alarm con-
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