Section 5: Troubleshooting
Section 5: Troubleshooting
5.1 Testing:
Power up the system
Program options as required (see programming section)
Trip then restore zones
Verify correct reporting codes are sent to the central monitoring station
5.2 Viewing Troubles from the Integrated Keypad
1. Move your hand over the iotega to illuminate the keypad.
2. Press * 2 .
3. Enter your access code if required. The Trouble LED on the keypad flashes if an access code is needed to view
troubles. Entering a valid access code silences trouble beeps.
4. The keypad will display the top level troubles present on the system by illuminating numbers on the keypad. Refer to
the table below for the meaning of each trouble code. When in the top level trouble display, the trouble LED will flash
once, pause then repeat.
5. If there are additional details for the trouble, the * key will illuminate. Press any illuminated number to display the
second level troubles.
6. The keypad will display a second level of detail for the trouble code selected in step 5 by illuminating numbers on the
keypad. Refer to the table below for the meaning of each trouble code. When in the second level trouble display, the
trouble LED will flash two times, pause then repeat.
7. If there are additional details for the trouble, the * key will illuminate. Press any illuminated number to display the third
level trouble detail.
8. The keypad will display the device number with the trouble condition. If more than one device has this trouble at the
same time, the keypad will cycle though all devices with the trouble. When in the third level trouble display, the
trouble LED will flash three times, pause then repeat.
Pressing the # key will return you to the previous level of trouble detail. While viewing the top level of troubles, press-
ing the # key will exit the trouble menu.
Trouble Summary
Trouble [01] - System Trouble
Trouble [02] - Zone
Trouble [03] - Siren
Trouble [04] - Keypad
Trouble [05] - Repeater
Trouble [06] - Wireless Key
Trouble [07] - Communications
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