Section 5: Troubleshooting
5.3 Network Troubleshooting
Network Con-
Connection Require-
DHCP (default
router settings)
Since the iotega can receive IP from the network and the network is not blocking any
ports, DHCP must include the following items
• IP
• Subnet Mask
• Gateway address
• DNS Address
DHCP - MAC fil-
tering enabled
Router must be pro-
grammed with Iotega’s MAC
The MAC address of the iotega is listed on the label on the bottom of the panel.
DHCP - out-
bound port fil-
The router must have the
required ports enabled for
outbound traffic
Required ports:
• FTP - 20/TCP/UDP
• FTP - 21/TCP/UDP
• DNS - 53/TCP/UDP
• HTTP - 80/TCP (with the following sites allowed)
• NTP - 123/UDP
• TycoOn - 443/UDP (configurable)
• SecureNet - 1234/UDP
• CMS - Programmable/UDP x2 Ethernet receivers
DHCP - with fixed
IP address
Router must be pro-
grammed with iotega’s MAC
Router uses DHCP to assign a fixed IP address to the iotega based on the MAC address.
This option may not be supported by all routers.
Static IP on unit
(DHCP available)
The iotega can be con-
figured for Static IP via the
installer portal.
The iotega must be connected to the network with DHCP enabled. Once connected to the
portal, a static IP can be assigned.
Static IP on unit (
No DHCP - Eth-
ernet/Wi-Fi only)
The iotega must be pro-
visioned off-site.
Iotega must be temporarily connected to a network with DHCP enabled. Once connected
to the portal, a static IP can be assigned and the iotega taken to the site. Network setup
details for the installation site are needed to assign a valid IP.
Static IP on unit (
No DHCP - Eth-
ernet/Wi-Fi only)
The iotega must be pro-
visioned with a router
between it and the customer
A router, with a static IP for the WAN interface, to the network is required. The LAN side
must have DHCP. Connecting the IoTega to the LANenables it to connect and route
through to the servers. The Static IP can then be programmed and the unit reconnected
directly to the customer network.
Static IP on unit (
No DHCP - Eth-
ernet/Wi-Fi and
Cell backup)
The iotega must be con-
figured off-site via Ethernet.
Static IP is programmed via
Cell once on-site.
Once the iotega is provisioned and cellular is active, the Static IP can be programed via the
cellular interface.
Wi-Fi only (Eth-
ernet available
during install-
Ethernet is required for initial
The iotega‘s Wi-Fi must be configured on the router/access point via Ethernet (or cellular
after the initial installation is completed). After installation, Wi-Fi can be used by dis-
connecting Ethernet and placing the unit where desired.
Wi-Fi only (No
Ethernet avail-
able during install-
Ethernet is required to
enable Wi-Fi setup
Same as setting up a Static IP, with no DHCP.
Can be configured off-site if Wi-Fi information is known, or via another network interface
such as a router and then placed back on Wi-Fi network.
11 Cellular only
Ethernet is required to
enable Cellular setup
Same as setting up a Static IP, with no DHCP.
Can be configured off-site if information is known.
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