Fig. 105
2) Replace W lamp
Remember the direction of the filament before pull out
the W lamp. Be sure that the new lamp’s filament is in
the same direction as before.
Pull out the defected W lamp and draw on the Cotton Glove. Insert the
new W lamp as deep as possible on the Lamp Seat. Be sure to keep the
Filament in the same direction as the old one faces (Fig.106)
Fig. 106
Switch on the power, observe the Entrance Facula, and it should focus
on the center of the Slit. (Fig.107)
If the Facula deviate to Left or Right, then loosen the No.2 screws in
Fig.107 and move the lamp seat to Left or Right until it focus on the
center of the slot. Then fix the screws.
If the facula deviate to Up and Down, then loosen the No.1 screws in
Fig.107 and move the lamp seat Up and Down until the facula focus on
the center of the slit. Then fix the No. 1 screws again.