Active ROM adjustment
With this function, the patient is able to actively set the range of motion.
Select the function with the OK button and activate it with the START button.
The patient will then be prompted to bend and extend the knee. The carriage
automatically saves the maximum extension and flexion values attained as the
new range of motion.
Confirm the setting with the OK button.
The "active ROM adjustment" function is primarily intended for use of the
active operating modes of the carriage because with most patients the pas-
sive ROM is greater than the active ROM. If used in the passive mode, patients
would therefore most likely exercise in a much narrower range than actually
Extension force
This function allows you to set the magnitude and direction of the force for
extension movements in the active mode.
The force can be adjusted between -30 kg and +30 kg in steps of 1 kg.
Adjustable forces:
0 kg =
passive mode, extension
1 to 30 kg =
force that the patient is required to exert actively in the
direction of motion (push) so as to move the carriage in
the extension direction.
-1 to -30 kg =
force that the patient is required to exert actively in the
opposite direction of motion (pull) so as to move the
carriage in the extension direction.
– A positive value between 1 kg and 30 kg always means that the patient is
required to press down onto the footplate, irrespective of the carriage's
current direction of motion.
– A negative value between 1 kg and 30 kg always means that the patient is
required to pull, irrespective of the carriage's current direction of motion.
– A value of 0 kg always means a passive movement executed by the carriage
in the current direction of motion.
– During programming of the desired force, the current direction of the force
will be indicated by an arrow in the field of the corresponding function and
in addition to the +/- indication.
Supplied by EME Services Ltd