Warm-up protocol
The warm-up protocol allows the patient to slowly become used to the set
maximum values for extension and flexion. Once activated, the carriage first
moves to the programmed maximum values minus 10° in each direction. Then
both the flexion and extension range of motion is increased by 2° per cycle until
the maximum range of motion is reached after 5 cycles.
The warm-up protocol can be selected to precede any function in any operating
mode. Warm-up protocols, however, are always passive.
Default: disabled
Extension pause
Pauses occur at the set extension limit, just before the bending movement
starts. Pauses can be set to any value between 0 and 59 seconds in steps of
1 second, and to values between 1 and 59 minutes in steps of 1 minute.
Default: no pause
Flexion pause
Pauses occur at the set flexion limit, just before the stretching movement starts.
Pauses can be set to any value between 0 and 59 seconds in steps of 1 second,
and to values between 1 and 59 minutes in steps of 1 minute.
Default: no pause
Load reversal (reverse on load feature for patient safety/spasm protection)
The device automatically starts moving in the opposite direction of the last
movement when the patient's resistance (load) exceeds the set force.
Load reversal is automatically active in the passive operating mode of the unit,
e.g., during the warm-up phase or when a movement is to be performed pas-
sively in the active mode. Therefore, it can be selected in all operating modes.
Adjustable forces for reverse on load feature: 10 kg to 60 kg, in steps of 5 kg.
The force setting determines the trigger threshold for load reversal in kg.
The smaller the force, the lower is the trigger threshold.
Default: 60 kg
Patient hazard—The reverse on load feature is a safety measure to protect the
patient in the event of cramps, spasms, locked joints and similar conditions.
The manufacturer cannot be held liable for misuse of this feature.
Supplied by EME Services Ltd