When at least six of the pilot holes are drilled,
take out the 1/4”-20 bolts, set the fixed mount
base aside. Using the 3/8” drill bit, drill out all six
previously drilled pilot holes.
*Do not use an impact gun with higher than 1300 inch-pounds as it will break the mandrel
on the tool or pull the Riv-nuts through the fiberglass. See manufactures specs for your
impact gun.
Using the impact gun set at 1100 to 1300 inch-
pounds and the 3/8 Hex bit with the Riv-nut tool,
twist one of the Riv-nuts on the end of the Riv-nut
tool mandrel.
Put some silicone sealant on each Riv-nut before
inserting them into each hole, preventing any
potential water damage.
Fasten all of the Riv-nuts using the 3/4” wrench
and the Riv-nut tool with your impact gun. Make
sure they are tight so the Riv-nuts won’t spin
around when installing the bolts.
After all the Riv-nuts are secure, replace the
Fixed Mount Base. Beginning on one corner of
the bracket, start to hand tighten all six 1/4-20
bolts with a couple of threads, then go back over,
using the impact gun with a 7/16” socket, securely
locking down all bolts.
Dome Rear Mount Installation