Doc. 065215-02 9/09
Safety messages, 3
Sample loading
With a syringe, 46 – 47
With an autosampler, 44
Changing, 76
Injecting, 18
Loading, 18, 46 – 47
Collecting and storing, 37
Diluting, 38
Filtering, 37
Injecting, 44, 46, 48
Loading, 44, 46 – 47
Preparing, 37
Pretreating, 37
Processing, 39
Saving data, 41
Seal replacement, 81
Seal wear counter, 86
Secondary pump head, 16, 81
Separator column, 10
Sequence, 42
Sequence Wizard, 43
Changing fuses, 92
Changing the sample loop, 76
Cleaning/replacing pump check valves, 77
Rebuilding the injection valve, 88
Replacing conductivity cell, 90
Replacing pump piston seal, 80
Replacing the suppressor, 92
Replacing tubing and fittings, 73
Restriction in liquid lines, 56, 74
Service chase, 11
Service procedures, 78 – 79
Backup seal replacement, 80
Check valve cleaning, 78 – 79
Eluent bottle cleaning, 76
Piston replacement, 86
Waste valve seal replacement, 87
Signal plot, 40
Software control, 1, 23
Software specifications, 98
Spare parts, 99
Autosampler, 97
Column heater, 96
Conductivity cell, 96
Detector, 96
Electrical, 93
Environmental, 93
Injection valve, 95
Physical, 93
Pump, 94
Supressors, 95
System software, 98
Thermostat, 96
Standard bore system
Backpressure coil requirements, 63
Standby mode, 36
Start-up conditions, 28
Start-up procedure
Chromeleon/Chromeleon Xpress, 28
Status Control panel, 24
Status LEDs, 8
Sulfite in samples, 37
Sulfuric acid regenerant, 9, 31