Image Appearance:
This provides access to the advanced image settings for the camera.
• Brightness: The image’s brightness can be adjusted in the range 1 ~ 10, where a higher
value produces a brighter image.
• Contrast: Adjust the image’s contrast by raising or lowering the value in this field in
the range 1 ~ 10.
• Saturation: Set an appropriate value in the range of 1 ~ 10. Lower values mean less
color saturation.
• Hue: Set an appropriate value in the range of 1 ~ 10. The value distinguishes color, such
as red, yellow, green, or violet.
• Sharpness: Set the amount of sharpening applied to the image. A sharper image
might increase image noise, especially in low light conditions. A lower setting reduces
image noise, but the image would be less sharp.
• White Balance Mode: Select white balance mode which fits camera installation
environment. In the case of Manual mode, the user can set R, G, B gain manually.
Enhance Control:
• Enable wide dynamic range: Activates WDR which cannot be used with Defog
function. If WDR is activated, shutter mode becomes automatic mode only.
• Enable flip horizontal: Check this box to flip the image.
• Enable noise reduction: Check this box to activate the noise reduction.
Once enabled, you can select the noise reduction level.
• Enable defog: Check this box to activate the defog function.
• Metering Mode: Users can change the metering mode.
This is a method of measuring the intensity of the light hitting and reflected by a subject
to determine the exposure required.