WIN Series Trouble Shooting Guide
method can also be used to determine if the outdialing feature is timed properly, if In-band
DTMF digits are being sent, etc...
4. Using the Line Trace
The Line Trace feature is also a good tool to use whenever testing the WIN system. The line
trace feature will continuously display on the screen what operation is occurring on which
line and the result of that operation. Some of the operations that would be shown are listed
RINGS RECEIVED LINE 1 (Ring detected on line 1)
(Port 1 went off hook)
Received on mailbox 990
(Play mailbox 990 greeting)
Playing GRTN484
(Greeting 484 is playing)
Playing MSSG101
(Message 101 is playing)
Received simple in-band sequence #100
(Received In-band DTMF digits #100)
Outdialing transfer sequence T&,100 (Port is transferring call to ext.100)
(Call progress detected a connect while performing a
monitored transfer)
(The system completed transfer)
Outdialing message waiting sequence 100,&,74
(The system outdialed message
waiting sequence to ext. 100)
The trace feature used in conjunction with monitoring makes it easy to determine what
exactly is happening or what the system thinks is happening on an individual port. When
troubleshooting a problem use the trace during testing and make a note of what appears on
the screen when the problem occurs. This information will be invaluable when you call DSSI
for support. In most cases, we will be able to determine what the problem is and what needs
to be corrected or adjusted to fix it by knowing what the trace displayed.
To use the line trace, click on the icon labeled System Configuration and then on the bar
labeled Line Configuration. This will bring up the Telephone Line Setup window. Now,
simply click on the box beside the word Trace and click OK to exit. At this point, the
system will ask if you want to save the changes you have made. Click yes, and the line
trace is on. In order to view the trace, it is necessary to click on the DSSI Voice Mail
Server icon on your task bar.
NOTE: The line trace feature will tend to slow down the
overall operation of the system when it is on. This may cause gaps and pauses