Digital Security Controls Ltd.
Private and Confidential
Installation Manual
DATE : 09/30/97
Any peripheral module trouble will be indicated and communicated with a General Trouble but
logged to the event buffer with a detailed description.
Module Placement Test Unsuccessful
4. General System Tamper
Any peripheral module tamper will be indicated and communicated with a General
Tamper but logged to the event buffer with a detailed description.
5. General System Supervisory
Module Supervisory ..... If the system loses Supervisory signals from a peripheral module, this
will be indicated and communicated with a General Supervisory but
logged to the event buffer with a detailed description.
6-8. Not Used
Note: The WLS9000 does not prompt the individual troubles within Trouble #1. The user should call for
assistance in the case of a “Service Required” trouble. Please note that the specific trouble will be
logged in the Event Buffer.
There is no audible annunciation on AC power failure. The system “Trouble” light will come ON but the
audible indication will not sound until there is a low battery condition. Transmission delay can be
programmed for 000 to 255 minutes. If the AC Fails, the battery will be continuously checked until the
panel shuts down.
The telephone line voltage is measured every 10 seconds. If the voltage drops below 1 to 3 volts for
the number of consecutive checks programmed in Section [370] plus 3 additional checks, a Telephone
Line Trouble is generated. If TLM is enabled, it must perform at least 3 checks (settings of 000 and 001
in Section [370] will result in 4 checks, setting of 002 will result in 5 checks, setting of 003 will result in 6
checks, etc) The actual display can be delayed via Installer’s Programming. This additional check
denomination may fluctuate from board to board, as it is dependant on hardware component tolerances.
The TLM Restore shall occur when the value in Section [370] is reached.
If the digital communicator is unsuccessful in communicating with any of the programmed telephone
numbers, a failure to communicate trouble will be generated. If a later attempt to communicate is
successful, the panel can also transmit the FTC restore reporting code and all previous unsuccessful
ZONE FAULT (Fire Zone Fault)
If any zone on the system is in the Trouble state, this trouble will be generated.
For hardwired zones (excluding Fire) using double end of line supervision, this is the shorted state, for
RF sensors, this is a loss of Supervisory signals. If DEOL is not used, Zone Troubles can still be
generated on Fire Zones (open state).
If [5] is pressed in the Trouble mode, the keypad will now display all of the zones in trouble.
Fire Zone Faults are identified in the Event Buffer. They log a “Fault Zone X” followed by a generic
“Fire Trouble”. This has been done so that intermittent wiring problems may be tracked down via the
Event Buffer.
If any zone enters this Trouble state (fault), the keypad buzzers will sound trouble beeps to annunciate the
This trouble is used with DEOL Zone Supervision only.
If any zone is in the Tamper state (Hardwired or RF), this trouble will be generated. Zones excluded
from this are Fire and zones not supporting the DEOL configuration (LINKS answer, keyswitch).
If [6] is pressed in the Trouble mode, the keypad will now display all of the tampered zones.
If any zone enters this Tamper state (open), the keypad buzzers will sound trouble beeps to annunciate the